

In accordance with Virginia state licensing guidelines, the cosmetology course is 1500 hours in length and encompasses both theory and practical instruction methods. Once your hours are completed, you'll be thoroughly prepared for state board exams. You'll be licensed in hair, skin, and nails under a cosmetology license. We allow students the flexibility of setting their own schedules. We take pride in preparing our students to be successful in a salon immediately after graduating.

All you need is $495 to get started. This includes your book, kit, apron, and first month's payment. We have interest-free payment options available and Eastman Credit Union offers student loans as well.


Instructor Course

The instructor program is designed for licensed cosmetologists who want to take the next step on their educational path. The instructors of today are teaching the stars of tomorrow, and this course will give you all the tools necessary to do so. The course is 300 hours in length. This course also offers flexible schedule and payment options. 

Still have questions?

That's okay. We get it. It's a lot to take in! We are SUPER great about replying through Facebook messenger, so you can message us now if you'd rather not call us. You can also text or call Bek directly at 423.340.0379.



What comes in my cosmetology kit?

Your cosmetology kit comes with everything you need to #CreateYourOwnFuture and is included in your tuition price.  Your kit includes a bag, mannequin, Hot Tools hairdryer, Babyliss flat iron, scissors, razor, thinning shears, apron, water bottle, lots of clips, brushes, combs, etc.  You don't have to purchase any additional items to begin school except some paper and a three ring binder for notes during class.  At some point going forward you will want to purchase your own clippers and trimmers, but don't sweat it we have plenty! 

Do you accept financial aid?

While we don't accept financial aid, it actually is cheaper for you out of pocket since most institutions charge a much higher tuition fee if they do.  We do accept state aid and can give you information on that when you come see us.  Also, Eastman Credit Union offers student loans too and are wonderful to work with. 

I can't pay for tuition all at once, do you offer payment plans?

Yes!  The payment plans are based on full time and part time enrollment and everything you need including your kit, apron, and book are included.  Life is expensive.  School shouldn't have to be. It only takes $250 to start.  You only make payments until your tuition is paid in full, so no worries if it takes you a little longer to complete the course than planned.  We understand, life happens.

I'm really busy and I have a job, how flexible can my schedule be?

We know life is busy. That's why we have four different schedules for you to choose from.  Under certain instances we are even willing to alter those to suit your needs better as well.  It's a simple process of entering your schedule each Thursday and sticking to that schedule.  Since you will have so many clients that love you and only want you for their service, be sure to keep your scheduled hours.